4. Meth – Not once!
What a great chemical! Almost as flattering as nicotine, alcohol, the various marijuana formulations, narcotics, various rave drugs, and hallucinogens. No, not really! The extreme power of the molecule to fiercely interact with your brain’s reward centers and so quickly to control you makes meth and its similarly shaped molecules just too concerning to experiment with for everyone.
It can make you do behavioral things that are not socially acceptable–think crazed and paranoid. Too unfriendly for you, your friends, society and the police. Also, it ruins your teeth and skin, and, as you already know, your priceless growing youthful brain. Remember, no one who does meth has nice skin and no one who does meth has nice teeth. Think lowered social value. Chill out and do something else.
Oh, and the cases that are the most intense don’t even make it to the ED. They may stroke out or be shot by the police. Like they say, “Trust me.” Do not think or imagine that your biochemistry and physiology are different and that you have sufficient willpower to avoid the descent into the end zone. It does not work like that.