5. Marijuana. OK for occasional use
In the unique experience of the human species called history, and on the smaller personal scale called life, the drug marijuana has been dose tested millions of times across many years by people all around the world. It works and it is safe.
The public has spoken and token (ha-ha). But seriously, if the government was to test drugs like alcohol, as found in the commercial marketplace, and even aspirin, these products would not be allowed for public use as over the counter products. So, as in all things: moderation is the key. Even water, pure tap water, can take you out if you drink too much too quickly. Really!
The point being is that if you choose to use the drug, remember dose response curves and don’t use it too much, too strong, too often and as a mythical average person I expect you will be OK. This is based on my many years as an Emergency Physician serving the public in all sorts of practices and places, and, as I was taught in medical school, “never say never,” but I have virtually never treated a marijuana user for a related medical problem.