40. “Epistaxis Management” aka Nosebleed
It happens often, usually at an inconvenient time and place, and it is kind of scary. Nosebleeds, commonly caused by the dominant index finger (as in picking the nose). In that sense they are preventable, however, if bleeding occurs, start with these simple steps: First, blow the nose hard enough to get the clots out of the nose; Second, squeeze the nose tightly below the nasal bone between thumb and index fingers, and time it for 15 minutes, then release fingers. Do not release fingers earlier to check if it is still bleeding.
Be patient. If after all that time bleeding continues, repeat once. Still bleeding? See the pros. If you are on blood thinners or have a concerning medical condition, these steps do not apply and just see the pros first thing. Oh, and then totally keep fingers away from the nose and face.